Dear Mr. Ng,
回覆刪除I apologise for my randomness but please allow me to introduce myself to you. I am a 25-year old girl. I was browsing through the internet hoping to find some method to lose weight quickly and came across your website. I am truly impressed by your knowledge about health, exercise and weight losing.
I actually have been troubled by the weight problem for around 7 years already. I used to be a slim and fit girl during my secondary school life. I was in the swimming team and my weight was around 105lbs and my height is 166cm.
However, after I went to the United Kingdom to pursue my high education, I gained around 35 pounds to 140lbs in half a year. Because of this, I didn't have normal menstruation for eight months and I was very depressed.
Throughout the past 7 years since University Year 1, I have been trying to lose weight but failed. My health continues to deteriorate and I have been feeling very very cold. I tried different methods to lose weight, but I slowly acquired 暴食症。This sickness is affecting my whole life and I need to wear more clothes than an elderly during summer time.
Browsing through your blog, I truly believe your theory about 陽虛致肥. I would really like to know more about it from you. I sincerely would like to seek some advice from you. May I get into contact with you please?
Thank you so much.
(I couldn't find your email so I can only message you here through posting a reply).
email address: hearthappyclub@yahoo.com.hk